Brand and PR agencies love to work with bloggers, vloggers, influencers,… for different reasons:
- Content creation: pictures, text or video
- Gain reach (visibility)
- Reach and activate specific target groups
- Discover new points of view
- Storytelling
- …
But how do you stand out as a blogger for a PR agency? When are you interesting for a PR agency and their customers/brands?
Let us give 8 tips for bloggers:
1. Blog for the right reason
Spread your passion and don’t only blog for free stuff. But passionate bloggers will stand out because blogging is intense work. Ask yourself the question: What do you want to achieve with your blog?
2. Don’t be too general
Specialize yourself in certain themes. Discover you unique talents, passions and interests.
3. Make qualitative content and a professional website
Go for qualitative content on your blog and social media. The design of your blog or website should reflect who you are and what you do. Nice articles with inspiring pictures on a user-friendly blog. Of course, everyone has a personal taste. Use of the right titles, hashtags, tags,… can mean a lot for visibility (SEO).
4. Create your own style
Authenticity is important. Other blogs can be inspiring but try to create and develop you own style and word of mouth.
5. Activate your network
Make good content and choose the right social media channels for distribution: Bloglovin’, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn,…
6. Be honest
Honesty about stats, experiences, product and so on.
7. Stay in control of your blog
Only collaborate with brands that are in line with your blog and style. Dare to ask a fair compensation for you work.
8. Be patient and lean constantly
Persevere, plan blog moments, read other blogs and learn from other bloggers. Stats and visitors are nice but enjoy blogging and the experiences you share.
Keep these tips in mind when developing your blog and PR agencies will soon notice you. Don’t forget to mention your contact details on your blog.
Good luck and have fun!